Men's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
Member-Member Fri, Feb 7th & Sat, February 8th Register for Member-Member
Men's Golf Association BY-LAWS
The name of this organization shall be the Mission Valley Men's Golf Association hereinafter referred to as MGA.
The purpose of this association is to promote an interest in men's golf through which members may participate in organized golf events. The MGA shall establish, staff and conduct all men's club wide golf events and tournaments except the annual men's invitational. The MGA shall also provide any and all publications, roster of members, calendar of events, conduct social and congenial golf events for all members, and integrate new members into the association.
  1. Membership in this association is open to all males who are Equity, Seasonal or Social members in good standing of Mission Valley Country Club.
  2. Membership in the association is required in order to participate in golf events sponsored by the association.
  3. Membership requires the payment of annual dues to the association as approved by the Board of Directors.
  4. Eligibility to participate in MGA events is commensurate with the golfing privileges associated with the Mission Valley Country Club Member's class of Club Membership.
  5. A membership may be terminated by resignation or nonpayment of annual dues.
  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members. New members of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting and each shall serve for a three-year term of office, staggered to ensure continuity of board experience.
  2. The Board of Directors may fill a vacancy on the Board, by majority vote, that may occur other than by expiration of an elected term. The appointed director shall serve the balance of the vacant term.
  1. The officers of the MGA shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer elected by the Board of Directors immediately following the annual meeting.
  2. The four officers will be elected by the Board of Directors for a term of one year. This term runs from the April annual meeting to the next April annual meeting of the following year. An officer cannot succeed himself after serving two consecutive terms in office unless there is an emergency and the Board of Directors by unanimous vote agrees to extend that term for one more year.
  1. President. Presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all general meetings of the association's members. He shall have general supervision of all of the affairs of the association; has check signing authorization as backup of the Treasurer; and or when two (2) officers signatures are required; be responsible to fill all vacancies of the association's officers which may occur; arrange the schedule of tournaments for the following year; shall appoint a committee to review the financial records; shall appoint such standing committees as he deems necessary for the operation of the association.
  2. Vice President. Performs the duty of the President in the event of the absence or disability of the President. Works with the President to manage sponsored tournaments.
  3. Secretary. Records minutes of all Board of Director's meetings and all general meetings. Maintains these minutes in an organized manner and makes them available to all members of the association. Prepares correspondence of the association as needed.
  4. Treasurer. Keeps the association's financial records and reports status as required at each board meeting. Collects and manages all money of the association and disburses them as directed by the officers of the association. Dues which are collected by the club and other moneys collected will be held in the association's treasury. Money will be disbursed as needed to fund MGA functions. Prepares and presents a financial report at the annual general meeting.
  1. Meetings of the Board of Directors will be held monthly from October through May. In order to conduct official business, at least 500/o of the board members must be present.
  2. Special meetings, for any purpose, may be called by the President or any two board members of the association. Twenty-five (25) MGA members may in writing direct the Secretary to call a special membership meeting at a specific time and place for a specific purpose: the Secretary shall post notice of the meeting in the men's locker room at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting:
  1. The general membership shall have at least one (1) meeting per year to be known as the annual meeting held in April of each year at a time and place specified by the President.
  2. The agenda for the annual meeting shall include, but not be limited to:
    1. Report of the President;
    2. Report of the Treasurer;
    3. Election of three (3) directors for a three (3) year term.
All members are eligible to participate in any MVMGA tournament except for those perpetual trophy tournaments. Only equity members are eligible to participate in the perpetual trophy tournaments, namely the President's Cup, the Senior Cup and the Club Championship. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the bulletin board in the Men's locker room for each event, these will be filled on a first come basis until the maximum for the event is reached or the sheet is scheduled to come down. Alternates may sign up in the case of drop outs.
  1. The President, or simple majority of the Board of Directors or a petition signed by at least 25 MGA members may propose an amendment to the by-laws,
  2. The Secretary shall post a copy of the proposed amendment by mail or email to the MGA Board of Directors and in the men's locker room at least 20 days prior to the meeting.
  3. A majority vote of the MGA Board of Directors is necessary to adopt an amendment to the by-laws.
MGA Member-Member
Friday, February 7th & Saturday, February 8th 2025
Lunch is included on Saturday after the morning shotgun
Brackets/Results for Two-Man Handicap Match Play Results Updated 01/18 All Matches Complete