Men's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
"40 Balls" Event Format
The game is a four-man team format with each player playing his own ball with full handicaps. The objective is the best Team Net Score Relative to Par for the team’s best 20 balls on each nine – 40 balls in total.
  • Teams should keep individual scores in the usual fashion
  • Additionally, for each hole teams should track
    • Net Pars
    • Net Birdies
    • Net Eagles
    • Total number of the balls used ("counters")
  • For 18 Holes, the Team Score is the total number of strokes below par for the team’s best 20 balls on each nine.
    • If the total numbers of pars, birdies and eagles (counters) is fewer than 20 on a nine, the team will have to make up the difference with bogey holes.
  • For example for nine holes:
    • 10 Net Pars (10 x 0 = 0)
    • 8 Net Birdies (8 x -1 = -8)
    • 1 Net Eagle (1 x -2 = -2)
    • 1 Net Bogey (1 x +1 = +1)
    • Total Balls (counters) (10 +8 +1+1 = 20)
    • Total Score (0 -8 -2 +1 = 9)
Example Card